AcruxSoft is a Uruguayan company founded in 2008, specialized to provide technological solutions for the continuous improvement of fishing activity. We work together with a multidisciplinary team formed by engineers and experts in fisheries, supported by scientific research by the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Environmental Engineering - IMFIA, University of the Republic in Uruguay, with the objectives of improving the efficiency and sustainability of the fishing industry
In these years we developed innovative computer tools, training workshops, fishing gear design and simulation laboratories for different companies and universities in the world.
The passion and quality of our work has led us to stand out in the area of research and the academic world, achieving different national and international awards.
Our method is to work together with companies and universities in search of greater efficiency, profitability and sustainability of natural resources.
Provide technological tools and professional services of excellent quality, which constantly help improving the fishing activity worldwide.
To become, by means of our technology products and professional services, a global example regarding to the knowledge contribution to the preservation of natural fishing resources

Cap. Frank Chalkling
CEO and founding member of AcruxSoft
Skipper with more than 25 years of experience at sea, he has run campaigns all over the world for many fishing companies. He is currently the CEO and founding member of AcruxSoft, and he contributes with his vast knowledge of the industry. In 2003, he created the first version of the software named AcruxSoft 2.0.

Cap. Luis Pérez Águila
Expert in fishing gear
Fishing Captain with thirty-four years in tasks related to fishing. He graduated from the National University of Mar del Plata. He completed two Postgraduate courses in Japan, one at the National Fisheries University, in Shimonoseki and the other at Kanagawa International Fisheries Training Center, in Kanagawa. He currently serves as Captain and Professor at the National Technological University, Ushuaia, Argentina ...

Dir. Eduardo Arques
Commercial managel of AcruxSoft in South Africa
Director commercial of the company AcruxSoft South Africa and South Africa, currently also performs as a professional interpreter in different state and commercial events in Africa.

Degree Eleonora Pereira
Commercial manage
Commercial director of the company and selection of human resources of the company.

2012 Award Gold Medal - International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva . AcruxSoft SRL was awarded a gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions, Geneva, Switzerland, for their contributions in the field of Energy and Environmental

2011 Global Forum - AcruxSoft is selected among the 50 TOP companies for its technological innovation and contribution to sustainable fisheries in INFODEV, held in Helsinki.

2010 Innovation ANII, the Ministry of Industry of Uruguay and the Uruguayan Chamber of Information Technology, reward AcruxSoft as the most innovative company in the country.