Thorsteinn Benediktsson
Managing Director
¨ I have been using the TVS and designer for my work and I like it very much.
All the best.
Thor ¨
Hampidjan Australia P/L
Leading fishing company
LUIS G. PÉREZ ÁGUILA, Specialist in Marine Fisheries, Fishing Captain B / P SAN ARAWA II,
Professor at the Tierra del Fuego Regional School, NATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY - UTN
Fishing activity is situated at the vertex between economic and natural activity. So the profitability equation must be kept within the context of sustainable fisheries. To achieve this delicate balance, it is necessary to optimize trawling nets by reducing fuel consumption on the one hand and at the same time obtaining the maximum catch of the target species of the appropriate size.
TRAWL VISION software is in a continuous process of improvement and makes an invaluable contribution to the optimization of trawl nets. Although I knew for a long time the existence of more rudimentary versions of TRAWL VISION, I have been using it since 2019 when the software was provided by the company SAN ARAWA S.A. / ESTREMAR S.A. to the Tierra del Fuego Regional Faculty, of the NATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY with the dual purpose of using it both for educational purposes for students and to carry out scientific work aimed at determining the selectivity of the trawl nets involved in the haki fishery.
The design parameters can be integrated interactively by using the trawl net design module with the simulation module once the equipment is rigged. In TRAWL DESIGNER (TD) I found a powerful design tool, user-friendly and intuitive to use, very useful both for net fishermen and for research work on the behavior of towed fishing gear and even in selectivity work determining the number of optimal meshes to achieve a mesh opening coefficient related to the perimeter of the first catch of the species. Also, it has proven to be a very precise tool to correlate the theoretical results of the software with the results observed in sea trials on those ships equipped with SCANMAR and ISYM SCANTRAWL sensors.
The TVD streamlines the design of any type of trawl, allowing you to make your own designs and verify and correct defects. For existing models, it allows modifying them, adapting them to the specific needs of each ship.
The TRAWL VISION SIMULATOR (TVS) software allows you to observe on screen the simulation of the configuration adopted by the equipment for a specific rig and what is the effect and reaction of the dynamic parameters of the fishing gear, such as vertical opening, opening between tips of fishing gear. wings and between doors thus achieving the best performance for that design. The program also delivers the resistance values generated by the net and by the entire rig in the desired speed range.
Cap. Luis Pérez Águila
Gerard Wessels
Marine Manager: Cape Town Fishing
I&J Limited
Fishing Company in South Africa
“The UMLOBI is doing very well and we are impressed with the new trawl based on the design changes that were made. I cannot, due to company confidentiality, divulge the average catch performance but it is good. I am considering an additional workshop to address the trawls of the BORONIA and BLUEBELL ( the other two freezers) as well and even the F-Class wet fish vessels. Alternatively we may consider to have you build/design a trawl for us based on your experience and design software. Hopefully I’ll get approval to proceed with either or both proposals. It would be great to have you visit us again in any case.
Until then take care and all the best.
Yours sincerely
Gerard Wessels
Marine Manager: Cape Town Fishing¨
Cap. Luis Martini
Author of several books related to fishing technology, professor, researcher, FAO expert.
"Excellent, very didactic to explain the benefits of this excellent software from AcruxSoft. The Trawl Designer that facilitates the creation of any type of trawl net, look for designs to adapt them to their own and modify them, verify defects in plans of different designers, facilitate the work of rederos, extremely useful for teaching in fishing schools or centers of training. The TVS tells the Fishing Captain how his equipment works, what problems the rig has, the ability to change parameters, etc. Both the TD and the TVS are the best tool for any fishing company that will facilitate the work of their captains and rederos improving the work of the ships, saving energy and time ...
Cap. Luis W. Martini”
Institute of Maritime Training
Professor Clément Calmettes
Enseignant Pêches Maritimes et Environnement
Coordonnateur BTS Maritime PGEM
Lycée de la Mer Paul Bousquet, Sete FRANCE
"I started using TrawlVision in class, it's interesting and useful for teaching, students can see what's going on underwater more easily, I used it for the configuration of the trawl and for the main features of the design. and modify the different displays ... and observe their behavior for now, I'm mainly using TVS, I used a bit of TVD to show the diversity of the trawl plans ...
Clement Calmettes "
Owen Hoggard director of the area of design and construction of fishing gear.
Motueka, company specializing in fishing gear internationally,
We have been developing with a company some pretty good software, it is a company based in Uruguay. It is real time, so you can change any parameters (doors, warp & bridle length, floats, ground rope, speed, you can set door spread to mirror what the vessels are actually getting) any time and it shows up straight away in the simulation. It has proved to be a very accurate tool
As soon as I do I will come back to you with my thoughts.
So far it looks very good and very easy to use
Motnets Owen Hoggard”
Cap. Petros Giavasis y Maria, ship owners, Captain ...
“ Acruxsoft programs TVS and TVD It's easy to use. only you must release the use and to the Greek language in order to be more understandable terminologies. As a result we can make good use of all the possibilities.
In Greece we don’t have fisheries schools. It will definitely be the best teaching tool.
Can a young fisherman to understand much more easily and more quickly how to make a net and how it works in the water. it’s be able to communicate with other fisheries systems . You can easily build a net and modifications and to see how it works in the water. No need to waste time to find out what happened and what is the problem. As a result of these better fisheries and protecting marine life.
We love Greece and our seas and always use technological means for fisheries which will protect our maritime assets. And the Acruxsoft programs can do right nets and putting the right targets.
with Acruxsoft programs we can apply the new measures of fisheries policy of the European Union.
We can make a prediction We can calculate the results of the net before thrown to the sea the Acruxsoft associates are constantly available to deal any use problem of the program with the fisherman. And thank you Mr Frank Chalkling for this .
We are third generation fisherman and something like that we haven't found on our job.
Captain of F/V Petros”
Dr. Dimitris Klaoudatos Researcher (Marine Biologist)
Hellenic Center for Marine research Institute for Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters,
"A powerful tool easy to use and very useful for the fisherman and the scientist, we achieve important benefits for fishing in Greece"
Dr. Dimitris Klaoudatos ”
Ing. Fernando Rodríguez
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Industrial Fishing), 1984, Higher Institute of Fisheries (Kaliningrad Russia)
Responsible for the CRIMOND company in the area of fishing gear design, Canada
“ Thanks to TVD and TVS from Acrfuxsoft our company Crimond Industrial Marine in Nova Scotia Canada, is winning contracts over the competition.
We have used this powerful tool of simulation to predict very accurate how the gear is going to react to the changes in it’s rigging.
Most important we have proved our customers the saving in fuel they will get by using different types of netting ( like dynemix), using the TVS. This tool have put us way ahead of our competition and have been very useful to determine the right prototype of trawl before we even go to the Flume tank in Newfoundland for testing.
We are very please with the performance of both, TVD and TVS. Thank you Acruxsoft for making our business very profitable and up today with technology.”
Ing, Fernando Rodriguez
Fishing Gear Specialist
Skipper. Javier Marquez
Owner of two ships in the Balearic Islands, manufacture of trawl net and skipper
"The software in terms of design and functionality this latest update, meets expectations, easy to use, fast and practical. Very practical I stay when it comes to simulating what a trawl can do in reality (without the need to waste time and very accurately with reality at sea).
Xavier Marquès”
Trawl Net Control Manufacturers of trawl nets- Roses, Barcelona, Spain
Company Trawl Net Control, Owner Manel Gonzalez
Manufacturer in trawl net, of the Port of Roses, Girona Catalonia, Spain
" The company TRAWLNETCONTROL thanks AcruxSoft and all its members for their support and dedication to the fishing industry to evolve the software (TVD and TVS) and for their reference in their area.
For us it has been a significant advance in terms of trawl design and the possibility of interacting with changes in net, doors and show spectacular results.
The TVD (TrawlVisionDesigner) we can highlight its ease of use, intuitive, without need of knowledge and infinite possibilities of creation and modification of arts. The TVD in turn is the most complete simulator of arts, with the possibility of changing infinity of parameters and see their results quickly before testing the rigs at sea.
Since 2009 TrawlnetControl has been using the fishing simulators developed by Acruxsoft and equipping its clients with designs created with their products, working with the bosses to achieve new strategies that improve the catch in different fishing grounds.
The ship equipped with Trawl Vision Designed with TrawlVision:
1) Port de Roses (Port of Roses). specific equipment for red shrimp
2) Galandu (Port of Roses, Spain)
3) Manuel i Rosa (port Llança) red shrimp
4) Mediterranean (Puerto Llança) equipment for Norway lobster
5) Star of Joaquim (Port of Roses) red shrimp
6) Ferran (Puerto Roses) equipped with double codens model arts created by TrawlnetControl
7) Marbella (Puerto Barcelona) model double tunnel or special flake red shrimp
8) Harmony one (Puerto Llança) evolution of its French type arts.
Manel González"
Skipper. Diego Santacreu
Shipowner, skipper, manufacturers of trawl nets and in the port of Santa Pola, Alicante, Spain
The software for me has been of great value in the design of trawl nets and one of the things that I value the most is the friendship created with different direct and indirect people linked with software and fishing, with a lot of desire to work where we are united. A great passion fishing.
Skipper. Diego Santacreu”
Xarxes de Pesca Marcel Francesc
Ctra. de Roses Roses ( Girona )
Trawl Net Specialist
It is located in the Port of Roses, Girona, Catalunya, Spain
“We have the most advanced trawl net design and simulation software on the market, allowing us to create different designs of trawl fishing nets in a virtual way, to carry out real simulations of the behavior of the trawl net, its productive effects and energy saving in order to establish the best manufacturing strategy of the same ...
The design program is infinitely better than the previous one, in a very short time I have passed a prototype of my trawl but I have only been with him for a few days ... I congratulate you on the design program, It is spectacular ...
Marcel Abad
Expert in Fishing Trawl Net "
Skipper. Nino Lococo, shipowner, fisherman and manufacturer of fishing nets
Porticello, Sicilia, Italy
"We compared the results of the simulation of the TrawlVision software with the results obtained at sea, using the MARPORT sensors at 350 meters depth and they were the same as those predicted by TrawlVision, its accuracy was surprising in the initial calculations of the trawl net and doors.
Skipper Nino Lococo"
Skipper. Pietro Langiu, Italian shipowner
Company Langiu Pietro M / p CECILIA Golfo Aranci (OT) ITALY (Sardegna)
"TVD software is an exceptional tool! designing trawl net with him is very easy, it is of absolute precision, if there is an error in the design of the trawl you can visualize it quickly and correct, cuts or in the number of meshes, ... Practically perfect!
Skipper Pietro Langiu”
Manufacturer of fishing nets - Luis Giorgetti
It is currently the most important manufacturer of trawl in Argentina, serving more than 100 ships trawling, in Mar del Plata, Puerto Madryn, San Antonio Oeste, Rawson ..
"Through the software developed by AcruxSoft, we have been able to improve Argentine fishing in an efficient, responsible and energy saving way, create new designs and predict their behavior before taking them to sea.
My company in particular has grown in these years with the support and added value that AcruxSoft has generated for us and its applications.
We can investigate, evaluate and transmit to our clients how they should work on fishing gear, correct design errors that would otherwise be impossible to visualize. All the networks that I design develop with this tool (TrawlVision) in an easy, reliable and fast way.
Luis Giorgetti
Expert in trawl net, Argentina“
Professor and Fishing Captain of Argentina,
"Dear Frank,
Thanks for answering as soon as possible, the TrawlVision is a great help for my profession, the software is being very useful at the moment, I admire how they overcame and resolved, the great challenge of predicting the behavior of the fishing tackle.
Thank you very much for your help and for your contribution to our craft.
PABLO ISASA - CAPITAN b / p Bahía desvelos. FISHING PILOT. "
Dr. Matías Ocampo Reinaldo, Researcher - Teacher
CONICET / Instituto de Biología Marina y Pesquera "Almirante Storni".
Escuela Superior de Ciencias Marinas, Universidad Nacional del Comahue.
Although I am not so involved with the design of fishing gear, as a software and technology enthusiast, I must congratulate you for the piece you have built. I must admit that at the beginning I had my reservations about the investment in soft, but seeing this new version, the level of development, implementation and multiple fields of application (industry, education, etc.), I must say that it is a very satisfactory.
On the other hand, with your unconditional support and support I believe that it becomes a real jewel in permanent improvement.
My congratulations and hopefully it will be productive for everyone.
Kind regards.
Dr. Matías Ocampo Reinaldo "
Dr. Mariano Gutiérrez Torero
Profesor de Acústica Submarina en Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal Peru International Affairs
Actual: Oficial Técnico en Oficina de Proyectos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (UNOPS),
Anterior: Jefe de Prospecciones en Tecnológica de Alimentos S.A., Director en IMARPE
Educación: Universidades Nacionales Federico Villarreal y Sánchez Carrión, Varias universidades del país y del exterior
“Se trata de un sistema inteligente que enlaza aparejos de pesca y facilita la interpretación 3D de la operación de arrastre durante la misma faena, permite calcular el flujo de corrientes marinas y mostrarlas de modo didáctico en la pantalla. Además que permite diseñar y probar distintos tipos de diseño de red y aparejamiento, con puertas modificadas etc, todo en PC. La interfase luce muy atractiva, y tipo videojuego. Pero, se requiere una fase de experimentación.
Prof. Mariano Gutiérrez Torero”
Dr. Julio Ricardo Alarcón Velez
Fishing Engineer; Specialist in trawl and methods of selective fishing and with less ecosystem impact; Teacher of the National School of Merchant Marine. Institute of the Sea of Peru, Functional Area of Arts of Fishing, General Direction of Investigations in Hydroacoustic.
Trawlvision Pro 3D is a powerful new innovative tool to improve the planning, selectivity, efficiency and performance control of trawls in the context of sustainable fisheries.
It is an innovative powerful tool that allows generating interactive 3D models of drag engineering. The information can be integrated interactively through the use of its main modules: Trawl Vision Designer (TVD) and Trawl Vision Simulator (TVS).
TVD, presents very friendly features for design with different types of trawls; it allows to estimate the characteristics of the structure of the panel used for its manufacture in dimensions, number of meshes, mesh size, diameter of the yarn, cut of the panel, condition of setting up the meshes by means of the armed coefficients u1 and u2 and with a library of more than 300 models of networks very useful for the different objectives of fishing ...
Ing. Julio Ricardo Alarcón Velez”
Institute of the Sea
Almirante Carlos Conde – Chiloé, CHILE
Instituto del Mar - Admiral Carlos Conde - Chiloé - Provides marine training to 1200 students.
"The software has been at the technical level of the students, since it is easy to understand, apply and even not some difficulty in the use has been.
One of the great advantages of the software is that it has saved learning time and has been a motivational element for the students, being easier to understand the different processes that are carried out in trawl fishing.
Professor Luis Pastenis Pasten