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AcruxSoft   2023


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AcruxSoft presents its mobile application for trawling - TVM - October 27, 2023.
INNOVATION:AcruxSoft develops the first APP for mobile phones for trawling, New 2023.
Hand touching virtual interface customer, technology innovation, business virtual concept,
INNOVATION: Estremar and AcruxSoft are working on a new app, which will allow contributing to sustainability and improving fishing efficiency. February 2022
AcruxSoft thanks all our friends and clients who trusted our products to improve their work at sea and in the academic area.
NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPED BY ACRUXSOFT: September 2019. Installation of the new SMART TRAWL product in the Argentine and Spanish fleet, symmetry control and load of catch.
MOROCOO FEBRUARY 2019,  AcruxSoft, presents its new development in fishing simulation TrawlVision, in the fishing exhibition in Agadir, with its representative the company Nautusma .
SOUTH AFRICA September 2018, AcruxSoft develops a new trawl design for the company I & J Limited, achieving important advances in the increase of catch power, energy saving and selectivity.
2018 OCTOBER PERU - AcruxSoft thanks the National University of Tacna for installing the first fishing simulation laboratory TrawlVision in Peru.
The platform will improve the training of students and enhance the work possibilities of their graduates.

SOUTH AFRICA 2017 - 2018 the best and most cost efficient trawling fishing technical advise  all over the world.

FRANCE: January 2019, Installation of the fishing simulation laboratory at the Maritime Institute of Sete, France
ARGENTINA December 2017: workshops at the School of Fisheries (Mar del Plata) and at the Universidad del Comahue, together with the creation of simulation laboratories.
ACRUXSOFT thanks the 400 fishermen from Greece, Spain, France and South Africa and Italy who use the TrawlVision software to design their fishing gear.
HOLANDA - AcruxSoft worked together with the experts of the company VCU Maritime B.V in the analysis of fishing nets.
CANADA - The Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland Canada, integrated Trawl Vision software for the training of its students and scientific research.  
CHILE -  Installation of a simulation laboratory at the Instituto del Mar de Chile where 1200 students are trained.
GREECE - AcruxSoft is hired by the Greek government to work on optimizing its fleet.
MEXICO - AcruxSoft is hired by the government of Mexico to work together with the INAPESCA engineers in the development of the twin trawl, for shrimp fishing.
PERU - IMARPE incorporates the TrawlVision software for scientific research. Collaborates with AcruxSoft in different optimization research of its fleet in Pura and Tumbes.
BRAZIL - AcruxSoft is invited to participate in Itajaí to different fishing efficiency projects together with the Magnoredes company. Also participating as a exponent of the new technology for fishing efficiency in the XX CONBEP fishing congress, developed in Florianópolis.
ITALY - AcruxSoft is invited by the CNR scientific institute of Aconca, to develop training workshops for Italian fishermen and scientists, through the use of the TrawlVision simulator and designer.
CHILE- AcruxSoft works together with the company Camanchaca in the training of its skippers and optimization of the fishing gear through the TrawlVision software
URUGUAY- Participation in fishing efficiency projects for the optimization of trawl nets along with the Faculty of Engineering, IMFIA, University of the Republic, Mexican engineers and experts from Argentina.
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